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August 27, 2005

A Happy Family

Lara just called to tell me that Noah had just been to the hospital and that all of his blood counts have stabalized and appear to be on the rebound.  This is really great news because it has only been ten days since he received his stem cells and that is the minimum that it would take for his counts to stabalize.  He won't need any more transfusions or platelet infusions as a result.  This means that Noah should be able to be in public again pretty soon as well.

They seem to have settled into their new house in Tucson.  It sounds as if this house is going to work out perfectly for them.  It's big enough for everyone to have a little space to themselves but not too big for Lara to maintain.  The really good thing, too, is that the owners of the house will let them keep a dog there.  Yesterday, Lara's two good friends, Amy and Christine Kingsley drove down and brought Maggie down to stay with them.  Obviously, that made Noah very happy.  Both Noah and Maggie were really happy to see each other. Uncle Brian was able to get the cable connections up and running for both television and computers.  The only drawback is that they can't seem to receive a very good cell phone connection there.  They will have to get a land line up and running for Andy to work from home.

Andy returned from his business trip last night and so as Noah would like to say the whole "Happy Family" is there and are starting to settle in.  Kiley (Baby sitter since Noah was born) is in Tucson this week-end and she will be by to see Noah.  Noah and Sarah truly love Kiley and that will make Noah happy as well. Uncle Brian leaves tomorrow but I think that he will be able to leave knowing that everything is pretty well done to have the Nelsons settled in Tucson.  Brian is being transferred to Germany and this is the last that he will see Noah for quite some time.  I'm really glad that he had this opportunity to spend such quality time with Noah before he has to leave.

The best news of course is that Noah is recovering from his "mini" stemcell transplant.  Lara said this morning that she won't have to worry so much about him now and that is always a good thing.

Thank you for all of those prayers.  Keep them coming because they seem to be being answered.  We still need to pray that all of the scans and tests that are coming up will be free of Neuroblastoma.

With much love and gratitude,   Grandma

Please leave us a message because it's nice to know who's checking the website

August 27, 2005 | Permalink


Hey Noah, WOW!! you're the most popular guy in town with all this wonderful mail from your buddies. I just love to read what everyone writes. Isn't it super to be loved so much?!?! Of course we're all very happy that you're back in Scottsdale for awhile...that shows you're feeling well enough to travel and that's good news. Now we're saying a hundred thousand prayers for good results on your tests. Lots of love and hugs for you and your awesome family, Aunt Kathie and Uncle Jerry xoxo

Posted by: Kathie Allen | Sep 1, 2005 10:34:00 AM

Noah and all, So glad to know that you are going home for a few days...we always sleep better in our own bed! You are always in our thoughts and prayers and heart! Stay coool! love, claudia and mike from Camarillo xoxooxo

Posted by: Claudia Bishop | Aug 30, 2005 5:02:15 AM

Hey Noah Buddy,
You must have some Jedi powers, to feel so good so soon! Or maybe you are as strong as 'The Thing'. I am just so happy you are doing so well. That is cool Maggie gets to be with you. I'm sure she missed you a bunch. Take Care! Your Friend! Caden

Posted by: Caden | Aug 29, 2005 8:51:04 PM

Hey Noah!!!
You are awesome, what more can I say? You certainly have made your La Casa family a big "happy family", too!!! I am so very happy that you are doing and feeling so well. I can see you smiling from here!!
Love and prayers, always.
Mrs. L

Posted by: Trish Langenhuizen | Aug 29, 2005 6:59:45 PM

Hi Noah, I was so glad to read you are eating and trying to get rid of that icky feeding tube. We are going to have to come up with a new superhero named for you because you are one. You are an amazing kid. You are also lucky to have such an amazing family around you to be with you and your sister. Take care. We will write to you soon. Love the Kampfners.

Posted by: Lorri kampfner | Aug 29, 2005 1:37:14 PM

Hi Noah and family,

What wonderful news to read today. My family and I are definitely keeping you in our prayers and, if you think lighting all those candles really helped, I will be the first to volunteer to go back to Italy and light some more!!

Stay strong - and remember to "use the force".

With love and prayers,

Posted by: Carrie | Aug 29, 2005 1:12:23 PM

Hi Noah and everybody -
Sounds like the change to southern scenery is working out so-far-so-good. Also sounds like you have quite a team of experts (Brian, Kiley, the Kingsleys ... oh and those doctors and nurses) keeping things shipshape, as some of them would say.
We are sweltering here in Pasadena but we like the heat. And we love all your good news!!!! And we love you, too.
Lizze, John, and the newly turned 3-year-olds

Posted by: Lizze Slocum | Aug 29, 2005 1:07:03 PM

Glad to hear you are all settling in to the new "digs" so well. How nice to log on to another good update!!

Just wanted to say hi and let you know we're thinking of you.

Sarah, Mick & Lily.

Posted by: Sarah | Aug 29, 2005 12:24:53 PM

Great news, Noah! God is surely watching over you! have a super week-
your friend,

Posted by: Henry | Aug 29, 2005 7:55:48 AM

Hi Noah,

Wow, it is so awesome to hear such great news. Sounds like all the Nelsons are doing well. I am glad that you are settled in in Tucson, but it sure is lonely here. We miss you so much! TJ keeps asking if he can go see you and then he remembers that you are in Tucson. We wondered why we hadn't heard Maggie barking, now we know. She is happily keeping you company. I am however, sad to hear that uncle Brian is being transferred to Germany. I know you are going to miss him alot. He was fun at our pizza party! Keep up the amazing fight. We are so proud of you. You rock! As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers ALL THE TIME!!

Love ya,
The Rileys

Posted by: Pam Riley | Aug 28, 2005 9:33:48 PM

Hey Little Man,

Just wanted to write to you and say that I truly had a blast spending time with you and your family this weekend. Glad that I was able to see you, especially since you were full of energy and smiles. :-) I had a fun time with our "sleep over" that we had too. You AMAZE me kiddo!! I will be sending Mommy some pictures that were taken this weekend. I will see you again soon I'm sure. LOVE YOU BUDDY and YOUR FAMILY!!!!


Posted by: Kylie Haworth | Aug 28, 2005 6:11:32 PM

Dear Noah,
I am saying prayers of Thanksgiving for you Noah! So glad your treatments went well. Maybe you will meet Wilbur the Wildcat now that you are in U. of A. territory! Stay strong! Love, Mrs. Armstrong

Posted by: Patricia Armstrong | Aug 28, 2005 5:53:02 PM

hey its great to hear that you are doing better!! keep your chin up kiddo you will get through this!

Posted by: Grace Fitting | Aug 28, 2005 5:38:02 PM

Hi little (growing) Noah!!! It sounds like you are really doing great!! We are praying that all of your scans come back crystal clear and that you continue to feel better. I enjoy so much all of the updates that your Grandma and Auntie provide. I never check my e-mail without first checking on you and your progress.

Enjoy the nice new house you are in!! Sometimes it's fun to have a change of scenery!!

Thanks to Grandma for the address. God Bless!

Misha Newgren

Posted by: misha newgren | Aug 28, 2005 1:46:19 PM

Hi Noah, we are so glad to hear that you are doing so well. We hope that you are able to go outside and have some fun now. You are so strong and brave with everything that you have gone through. We think of you and your family all the time. Take care and we hope you continue to have lots of energy to play. Love, Ryan and family

Posted by: Ryan Neill | Aug 28, 2005 9:44:24 AM

Noah & Family: We love the updates and are always happy to hear that things are going well. Be assured that our prayers continue for all of you. Hannah and Grayson spent a lot of time at our house while Aunt Adair was in California and Grayson would not start a meal before he prayed for Noah!
Love, Jim and Shirley Kredit

Posted by: Jim and Shirley Kredit | Aug 28, 2005 6:43:55 AM

Hi Nelson Family! We are thrilled to read about how well you are doing. You are still in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Keep up the good work.

I went to school at the UofA so I know Tucson. When you are able to be out in public make sure you make it to Eegee's. They serve a delicious frozen concoction (an eegee).

Steve, Becky, Katie, Emily, and Natalie Franson (from La Casa)

Posted by: Becky Franson | Aug 27, 2005 7:53:17 PM

You Rock! Glad to hear you are doing so great. I'm not surprised, you always seem to pull through with amazing strength. I bet Maggie is thrilled to be with you all again. Now she can stop chewing on Sarah's Care Bears and play with you and Sarah instead!

We miss you all.

Take Care,
Chris, Tracy, Barrett and Payton

Posted by: The Allen's | Aug 27, 2005 2:54:08 PM

Noah, We are so happy to hear that you are feeling good. Now you can go out into the sunshine and play with your friends. Keep up that great spirit and know that we are sending well wishes to you and your"happy family"
Zack & Family

Posted by: Zack Hull & Family | Aug 27, 2005 12:56:13 PM

Hi Happy Family,
Noah, you said it best!! I'm sure that news made for a very "happy family". It sure sounds like you've settled into Tucson. It's probably cooler down there. We are so happy to have read about your awesome recovery. We think of you all the time. Way to go!!
The McCarthy's

Posted by: The McCarthy's | Aug 27, 2005 12:27:25 PM

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