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August 19, 2005
Not Much Going On
There's really not much going on here. Noah's counts are dropping rapidly now. His white blood cells are almost nonexistent and his hemoglobin is getting really low. Noah is doing fine and seems to have bursts of energy but is sleeping more now than he usually does. Sleep is a good healing mechanism and there's nothing wrong with his doing that. His platelets are still holding up pretty well and that surprises Dr. Graham. Tomorrow will tell more about what is going on and if he'll need a transfusion or not. The surprisingly good thing is that he still has an appetite. He's up to forty-two pounds again and so he is looking really good.
Today was just a regular day and that's probably how things will go for the next week to ten days. A visit to the clinic to see Dr. Graham for his blood count testing and for meds or whatever needs to be done that day. The house that we are staying in now is just temporary and the Nelsons will be moving on Thursday to the house that they plan on staying in for the duration of their stay in Tucson. Apparently there was a mix up with the mail being delivered here. The mailman rang the doorbell to see if there was someone living here by the name of Nelson because mail was being sent back. The post office had been told that no one was living here. A package did get delivered here today. So our apologies to anyone that had something returned to them. I will let you know what the new address is going to be as soon as I get it from Lara.
So that's about it. I go home tomorrow night and I doubt that I will get a journal done then. I will try to get information after I get home to keep everyone updated but obviously it's easier to know what's going on when I'm here. It's really a wait and see situation now until Noah's counts all come back so that they can determine what will happen next.
Don't forget to say a little prayer for Noah so that his next round of tests and scans will all be free of Neuroblastoma. Pray that he can proceed with his protocol and that it will all be successful.
Much love, Grandma
Don't forget to leave a message
August 19, 2005 | Permalink
Noah, You are still the bravest boy I know in the whole world. I am glad Uncle Brian is with you,,,,because when he was 5 years old, I got to love him too...and he has always been a special person in my life, and now he gets to spend time with you! Wow! Give your mom and dad and Sarah and Uncle Brian a huge hug from Claudia! Stay brave and strong ! Love, Claudia from Camarillo xoxooxxo
Posted by: Claudia Bishop | Aug 25, 2005 4:48:53 AM
Hey Little Man,
How ya doing?? I talked to Mommy today, and then your silly sister told your Mom that she needed to talk to Kylie... Boy oh Boy is she silly.. Sarah told me that you were in the hospital getting treatment, and that you were okay. I hope that all went okay today for you. I hope that I am able to see you soon, I sure miss my "Bald Little Buddy" :-) Talk to you soon.
Posted by: Kylie Haworth | Aug 24, 2005 11:22:29 PM
Hi Noah! I hope you are feeling better. I hope when you are done in Tucson we can get together and play. Keep using your Superhero powers to stay strong. You are always in our prayers.
Love, Michael
Posted by: Michael Fratantoni | Aug 24, 2005 9:06:04 PM
Greetings from Chi-town Noah!! Just want to let you know that you are always on our minds and in our hearts... Tell Grandma that we'd love the new address once she gets it!!! God Bless!! The Newgrens
Posted by: misha newgren | Aug 24, 2005 7:47:24 AM
One more thing :)
I sent some recent pictures of you from the San Diego trip to Chris at the Phoenix Suns. He emails me about once a month to check up on you & he said he sent your pictures all around the office and everyone loved them.
I am sure that when you are ready for it, they would love to have you come down to the Arena and enjoy a Suns game and say hi to everyone in the PR department there.
Go Suns!!
Posted by: Uncle Kory | Aug 23, 2005 10:58:47 PM
We are still praying for you daily. We had dinner over at my parents house last night with the whole Kredit family and Grayson made sure to remind everyone that we couldn't eat until we prayed for Noah. Both Grayson and Hannah talk about you every day and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Kory, Adair, Hannah and Grayson
Posted by: Uncle Kory | Aug 23, 2005 10:53:13 PM
Hey Noah,
Just a quick Hello to let you know we are all thinking of you....Gigi and Jake hope you are feeling ok...and eating lot's of food...
Take care
Posted by: Ernst Family | Aug 23, 2005 11:39:11 AM
I'm thinking of you all. Noah you are awesome, awesome. Anna was really happy to see you when we dropped off dinner a few weeks ago.
Let us know when you get your new address in Tucson. I'm so happy that you're there. I believe that the energy there is conducive to healing, and hopefully it is bringing you some joy remembering your college days and being at the place where you fell in love:)
Blessings and hugs,
Posted by: Kimberly Kingsley | Aug 22, 2005 10:07:00 AM
Hey Noah,
Sounds like your still battling on like a warrior. Keep it up! We are so proud of you. We are all praying hard for clean scans next time around. As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers all the time!
Love ya,
The Rileys
Posted by: Pam Riley | Aug 21, 2005 10:20:39 PM
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