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August 16, 2009
Back to School with a Clean Slate
Hello all - sorry for long delay since the last post. We stayed very busy this summer with family road trips - escaping the heat when we could...San Diego, San Francisco, and Flagstaff among others. Noah, Sarah, and Lara also had a visit with the Oncology team in NYC for his 6 mth check up. The doctors gave him a clean bill of health, YES. He is now 4 years free of disease!
School starts tomorrow - Noah going into 3rd grade and Sarah into 1st. They are both truly excited to back to school. Fall sports are also around the corner. Noah and all his buddys will be be playing on a flag football team and Sarah will play soccer - she'll have to put up with her dad being coach.
We constantly remind ourselves how fortunate we are to have Noah doing as well as he is. On the other hand, our family has personally met 2 familys from Phoenix in 2009 alone whose child has been diagnosed and/or is still struggling with the disease. This is THE reason why it critical that we continue to support the cause and fundraise for the children who have been struck with childhood cancer.
Thanks again for everyone's support through the years!
August 16, 2009 | Permalink
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Lara and Andy,
I hope all continues to be well with Noah and the rest of the family. We think about Noah often.
Wally Balzac (Bronson's dad)
Posted by: Wally Balzac | Nov 29, 2009 1:19:42 PM
Hi Noah and Sarah,
Just wanted to say Hi and how excited I am that Noah will be playing football and Sarah soccer, with your Dad the coach, (lucky you!). Just need the weather to cool down a bit. So glad life is good for you, God is good to us. Say hello to your Mom and Dad for me.
Love, Mrs. Armstrong :)
Posted by: Patti Armstrong | Sep 26, 2009 8:59:28 AM
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