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September 12, 2010

Back in the Flow

Sorry it has been so long since the last update - it was a busy summer and a hectic first few weeks of school and activities.  To sum it all up, we had a great summer and it was topped off with clean scans on our July visit to Sloan Kettering.  Beyond clean scans, Noah continues to grow and develop much like a 10 should.  We are doing a few follow-up tests here in Phx on his pulmonary function to ensure his breathing capacities are within normal range.

There have been some excellent childhood cancer awareness events over the past few months - including Stand Up for Cancer and National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month - including a $250K Pepsi grant currently in vote to help fund less toxic treatment options for children stricken by cancer.  Please visit the below website and vote:


Both kids are playing soccer this fall and really looking forward to it.  So far, Sarah is enjoying 2nd grade and Noah, 4th.  Noah has also taken up Student Council, Cub Scouts, and band - no doubt, a busy schedule.

With hope and love,

The Nelsons 

September 12, 2010 | Permalink


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You don't now me, but I just felt lead to share how touched I was with your blog. I have a couple friends and family whom I recently learned have cancer. They have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since. I was particularly impacted by your son's (Noah Nelson's) blog because of how I came across it online. I am a father of four (ages 13,11,9,9). Today I was looking on facebook to find my son, who also happens to be named Noah Nelson. I then happened upon your blog. While my kids were growing up, they each went 5-6 years without getting a haircut. When their hair (down to their respective butts) was eventually cut, they donated it to "Locks of Love." I cried when reading your blog after I came upon a page that mentioned Noah Glenn Nelson. My name is Glenn Nelson. I have a son who has a heart of gold, and I can tell that your Noah has a heart of gold as well. My son once asked in bible study for prayer for his friend who just lost his father in an accident, and he then said (crying) "I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my dad." I will share your Noah's story with my Noah, and from now on will remember your Noah in prayer (1700 miles away in Chicago) every time I see my son.
Blessings to your family,
Glenn Nelson

Posted by: GN | Nov 11, 2010 4:47:56 PM

How crazy! I have been thinking about you guys lately and thought I would check the blog, only to see it updated today. Sounds like we have the same crazy busy life. I am so happy to hear Noah and Sarah are doing well. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Lorri

Posted by: lorri | Sep 12, 2010 7:51:24 PM

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